Category Archives: Skills

Problem Solving

problem solving skill

Meaning Of Problem Solving Basically, problem-solving is a soft skill and therefore the act of defining a controversy, determining the explanation for the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for an answer; and implementing a solution. Whether you are going to solve a controversy for a client (external or internal), supporting those that are solving […]

Efficiency – Improving Bottom Line Profits

Efficiency is an aspect that is co-related to understanding. Understanding, why something is important, especially for the person you work for. Knowing the motive itself brings sincerity to a worker. Efficiency is improving profits Objective Of Efficiency The main objective of increasing operating efficiency is reduced costs and improving bottom line profits. Cutting out wasted […]


integrity skill

The practice of honesty, ethics, and morality consistently is called integrity. You have it if you are honest and a man of moral principles. It is the quality we aspire to have, but of course, only when we are not being dishonest and immoral. ” Integrity is not something you show others. It is how […]

Creativity and Its Significance

Soft Skills

Creativity is the art of implementing new imaginative ideas into reality. In simpler terms, it means weaving new ways and evolving new patterns to get away from the one same boring everyday stuff and visuals. Innovation, the invention as well as the creation of something new, is considered unique and also has never been seen […]



As the name suggests, Teamwork means working with a group of people who have a common interest and a common goal to achieve. A team is a group of people who have a common goal and purpose. Teamwork means that people will work with each other and will try to cooperate with each other, using […]

Personal Skills

Personal Skills

What are the personal skills? Today’s era is far different from the previous one. With the change in time employer’s way of recruiting individuals has also changed.Nowadays professional skill is not enough, people need to excel in personal skills too. Personal skills are an individual’s strengths and weaknesses that develop with different experiences, and training. […]

Communication Skills

communication skills

In today’s fast world, communication skills are perhaps the most important skill that we need to possess in us. In layman’s language communication helps us to pass the information to other people, and to understand what is being told to us.  Communication is nothing but just an act of transferring information from one person to […]

Importance of Knowledge in Life

importance of knowledge

A person who knows all is called an omniscient and do you know who’s known as an omniscient? God. But the question is why I am telling you this? Why am I talking about an omniscient? The answer is because I want you to understand the importance of knowledge. See knowledge helps us to evolve […]

Experience – Where Should One Experience Our Skills?

Experience - Where Should One Experience Our Skills?

Where Should One Experience Our Skills? Application is the most important and difficult part of a learning process and learning will remain incomplete unless you apply it somewhere. So learning and applying go hand in hand. By experiencing you may even come up with some piece of knowledge as a secret wand that only you […]