The motivation for this quarantine routine came from the fact that I have always been a lazy kid who just wants relax on a couch with snacks and a mobile.
But, during this quarantine, I thought that I have the whole day to myself so why not try transforming my life and all I needed was to make a quarantine routine.

Acharya Chanakya, set up a routine for the king. He made a routine that allowed the king to sleep only 4.5 hours. I mean the king who must rule a huge province and here I am always laying on my bed doing nothing.
So, I went around the internet and saw everything I needed to make a quarantine routine.
Planning My Quarantine Schedule

I took 24 hours and subtracted 4.5 hours of my sleep and 1 hour of exercise and 4 hours of leisure time, these are what I call the necessity hours.
I was left with 14.5 hours in my quarantine schedule. Now I must decide what habits I want to adopt, and the first thing that came to my mind was reading. Now, here’s the thing I love reading but I am so lazy that I read like twice a week. So, I assigned an hour to read every day.
This quarantine schedule is useless if you are not consuming knowledge.
Another habit I adopted was to clean my study table and organizing my room before I go to bed. I also wanted to practice journaling so in total I assigned an hour for that too.

So, now I am left with 12.5 hours in my quarantine schedule. The rest of the time I used for my priority tasks like my CAT preparation, online courses, and assignments.
I gave my first task 5 hours and breaks separately, my second task 2 hours and breaks separately and the last task 1 hour with no breaks in my quarantine schedule.
I used the time left in my quarantine schedule to relax and have fun.

I made my quarantine schedule so loosely because going overboard while making a new routine is a rookie mistake. So, I used to go to bed every night at 22:00 and I used to wake up at 02:30.

After following my quarantine schedule, I was able to complete almost all my work. I finished a few books, completed my online course, and started with new ones, and submitted all my assignments.
Organizing my room motivated me every morning to work. A clean room looks more spacious and cleaner desk looks a bit more professional. Writing a journal gave me a relaxed mind before sleeping as I share my happiness and sorrows with my journal.
I saw a significant drop in my weight and gained muscle by working out and I made my life better through this quarantine schedule.

Experiment with My Quarantine Routine
Now like every other person I am not going to lie to you and say I exactly followed this quarantine schedule every day.
I am still experimenting with my sleeping schedule and finding the most efficient routine. I am also experimenting with the way I make a to-do list. Sometimes I use my diary, sometimes my whiteboard, sometimes my phone and sometimes my laptop. Trust me these little things make a huge difference.
This is my quarantine routine, do share yours in the comment section down below.
I’ll be sharing the new blogs about how these habits made an impact in my life.