About The Book
Book Title– The Great Gatsby
Author- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Genre- Fiction
Rating- 4.5 out of 5
Originally Published- April 10, 1925
The Great Gatsby has been adapted to 4 different films:
- 1926
- 1949
- 1974
- 2013
2013 being the most popular one.
The Great Gatsby is the tale of Jay Gatsby narrated by Nick Carry-away a Yale alumnus and a bond salesman. It is supposedly an enigmatic multi-millionaire & Nick’s neighbor with a luxurious estate.
Why This Book?
I picked up the book after watching the delightful movie “The Great Gatsby (2013)”. Much to my delight along with telling the story of Gatsby Fitzgerald ensures that the book highlights ” The American Dream, Class inequality and Gender relations” in a beautiful way.
The story unfolds in a mystical way as it vaguely talks about Gatsby as a person. Meanwhile, it succeeds in expressing his love for Daisy and keeps the reader in awe all the while by the vast imagination.

Many literacy critics consider this to be the greatest novel. The story has a tragic end to it which successfully evokes the idea of self-idealism. This book is also making fun of the American Dream at different points.
The two quotes from the book that en-captivated me and made me pause while reading are:
- “Always try to see the best in people”
- “They are a rotten crowd, You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together”
Both these quotes helped me a lot, the first one taught me to stay positive while tackling situations and people around me. The latter one teaches me to look up to myself in a better light while staying brave.
To everyone who might read The Great Gatsby, pick up the book with an open mind. Try to visualize every scene with your eyes closed as if it all was happening to you. I am sure you’ll cherish each part of it.
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